7 Home Remedies For PCOS


Polycystic ovarian syndrome are of two kinds; functional and pathological. Functional ovarian cysts develop when the ovarian follicle that produces egg, does not release its fluid or the egg. This causes it to become a sac-like fluid containing follicle known as follicular ovarian cyst.

The second type of functional cyst is the luteal cyst which forms when the corpus luteum gets filled with blood. Some kinds of ovarian cyst formation are of the pathological category which includes the cyst adenomas and dermoid cysts.

These pathological cysts are rarely cancerous but need to be removed surgically. Ovarian cysts affect mostly the premenopausal women. They are quite common in occurrence and usually cause no harm if the cysts are functional.

Home Remedies For PCOS

Functional cysts in the ovaries subside by the passage of time and usually do not require special treatments. However, if the cyst is pathological, it needs to be removed surgically as it may cause some troubles.

Internal bleeding may be caused by the rupture of luteal cysts. Hence, if you do not want to go under the knife and prefer getting some natural treatments, then these home remedies for ovarian cysts are worth giving a try.



Ovarian cysts are likely to occur due to estrogen imbalance in the body. Having a well-balanced diet that includes healthy fruits and vegetables can treat this imbalance of hormones.

Alfalfa, a well-known plant, which is commonly used as food, is a rich source of vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K along with minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Alfalfa is known to possess anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties as well.

Alfalfa contains coumestrol, a phytoestrogen which mimics the estrogen in our body. Because of the phytoestrogen, alfalfa is considered to be beneficial for the treatment of ovary cancer as well as for the ovarian cysts to some extent. But excess of estrogen in body can lead to cyst enlargement.

Castor Oil

Castor Oil

Another home remedy for ovarian cysts could be the use of castor oil. It consists of unsaturated fatty acids and is known to keep the ovaries healthy and to dissolve the cysts.

Castor oil remedy could be used in the form of castor oil pack which is placed on the lower abdomen to increase the blood and lymphatic circulation there, to eliminate the toxins, inflammation and to promote the healing and repair mechanism of the organs in that area. But do not use this remedy during menstruation or pregnancy.

Apple Cider vinegar

Apple Cider vinegar

A cause of development of ovarian cysts could be the deficiency of potassium in body.

Hence, to cope up with this situation, intake of foods containing potassium such as apple cider vinegar is quite beneficial. This vinegar is known to shrink the size of cysts.

Also Read

Natural Cures For PCOS
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Hormonal Irregularity

Heat And ice treatment

Heat And ice treatment

The heat and ice treatment is used to relieve pain that is caused by the ovarian cysts. The procedure is quite simple. Just dip a towel into warm water, then take it out and squeeze it and put it over your lower abdomen for at least half an hour.

The heat causes breakdown of the cyst and increase in blood flow towards your abdominal organs. Application of ice will help freeze the cyst, will reduce inflammation as well as pain due to cysts.



Cinnamon is helpful in reducing PCOS symptoms as it controls the androgen levels in the body along with blood glucose level.

It also helps in managing the regular weight and increases the insulin sensitivity. It is one of the most commonly used home remedy for treating PCOS.

Low Glycemic Diet

Low Glycemic Diet

Low glycemic foods include oats, fruits, pulses, vegetables and whole grains. These foods help in lowering the symptoms of poly cystic ovarian syndrome by regulating the normal hormonal system in the body.

Foods rich in vitamin B such as nuts, whole grains, skimmed milk etc. also helps in boosting the hormonal level in the body.

Household Activities And Exercises

Household Activities And Exercises

Exercises and household activities help in reducing weight, control hormonal level in the body and manage the mood swing during PCOS. A healthy routine pattern needs to be followed for managing the symptoms of PCOS.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.